
Sort of Educational Little Kids Links

These sites are intended for 3 to 6 year olds, more or less, but I think that a lot of the middle school links will work for kids in this age group (and vice versa). This is the most incomplete list (my youngest is 14!) but I will certainly be adding to it as time goes by. I hope some of this helps your family in these hard times. ARTS AND CRAFTS Tissue paper butterfly Cupcake Liner Flower Wreath Vegetable Stamps DIY Ladybug Rocks Rainbow Stone Stackers Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems EDUCATIONAL Pre planned lessons and videos at PBS Kids Phonics games BBC MATH AND NUMERACY Scholastic has terrific daily activities for kids Scholastic daily activities for grades 1 and 2 Khan Academy SCIENCE Watch a CHIRP Science Video PHYS ED Little kid friendly exercises Animal walks How to Make a Great Living Room Obstacle Course SAFE AND EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS CBC KIDS Listen to a Chirp Story l PODCASTS The Story Store Story Pirates Circle Round Ses...

Sort of Educational Middle School Links

I put together a list for kids roughly 7 to 13 years of age and that is a BIG range of ages and I should probably sort them out better. I might get around to doing this, and like the high school list, this is incomplete, roughly organized and will be added to over time. ARTS AND CRAFTS Beautiful Bubble Prints Rainbow Papier Mâché Bowls DIY Ladybug Rocks Tape Resist Paintings How to Make Friendship Bracelets MUSIC The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra GENERALLY EDUCATIONAL CBC KIDS has tons of materials The Kids Should See This Educational BBC Games Create your own board game Scholastic has a great page of activities that is updated daily - grades 3 to 5 , grades 6 to 12 MINECRAFT: EDUCATION EDITION Funbrain READING poem starters Free Rice vocabulary knowledge game THE TOAD Downloadable Activity Kit Wacky Story World Matamis Bakery MATH Prodigy Math Games Algebra Meltdown Algebraic Reasoning Sweet Shop COUNT ON ME Downloadbl...

More or Less Educational High School Links

I mentioned to a friend that I was putting together some links for my teenagers to check out - should we ever start emergency homeschooling - and she asked me to post them for her kids. "Hm," I thought. "Maybe I will." So here we go. Some of these are videos, some are games, some are interactive activities and some just are interesting podcasts or articles. Maybe some will work for your high school aged kids, too. (and this list is only roughly organized and is incomplete. I'll be adding to it as we go.) GENERAL PBS has a ton of videos and activities and lesson plans The most educational Ted Talks, with related activities Scholastic has a great page of activities that is updated daily grades 6 to 12 Typing Club Crash Course (excellent educational videos) ART Ombre Landscape Watercolour Painting Class Art in Industry online exhibit Homemade shrinky dink tutorial How to draw buildings A great playlist of Lynda Barry drawing videos BBC’s...