Sort of Educational Little Kids Links
These sites are intended for 3 to 6 year olds, more or less, but I think that a lot of the middle school links will work for kids in this age group (and vice versa). This is the most incomplete list (my youngest is 14!) but I will certainly be adding to it as time goes by. I hope some of this helps your family in these hard times. ARTS AND CRAFTS Tissue paper butterfly Cupcake Liner Flower Wreath Vegetable Stamps DIY Ladybug Rocks Rainbow Stone Stackers Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems EDUCATIONAL Pre planned lessons and videos at PBS Kids Phonics games BBC MATH AND NUMERACY Scholastic has terrific daily activities for kids Scholastic daily activities for grades 1 and 2 Khan Academy SCIENCE Watch a CHIRP Science Video PHYS ED Little kid friendly exercises Animal walks How to Make a Great Living Room Obstacle Course SAFE AND EDUCATIONAL VIDEOS CBC KIDS Listen to a Chirp Story l PODCASTS The Story Store Story Pirates Circle Round Ses...